Getting you outdoors to learn, to live and to love the coast.
Year-round Education and Events

how it all began
Founding Director Emma Lamport has always had a passion for the natural world and the coastal environment and wanted others to connect with it. Back in 2013, as a ranger for the Heritage Coast, she set up a little voluntary marine wildlife club for kids called Seaside Rangers before setting up Beach Academy as a sole trader in 2017.
By the end of 2020, Beach Academy became a social enterprise. A Community Interest Company committed to connecting children and their families to the coast and blue planet through environmental and marine education programmes, coastal activity days, teacher training, courses, family events and lots lots more!

our Shop and Base
Pop in and say hi
We have a tiny little hub at Rest Bay Watersports Centre, Porthcawl that is both a shop, booking office and a place to hire beach activity equipment. This beautiful blue flag surfing beach has everything we need to run our activities and sell beach kit to connect to the coast.
Items include connecting to nature with FSC nature guides, toy marine animals, rockpooling, crabbing and beachcombing equipment like buckets, nets and crab lines. Being creative with sand buckets and colourful spades. Staying fit and healthy with beach sports like balls, cricket and kites.
You can also pop to the hub to hire Rockpool Kits and Seashore School Activity Sacks for the kids, pay for event tickets, book classes and meet up with others.
Fill up your water bottles for free here and beach dogs and sandy feet are always welcome.
European Marine Science Educators Association (EMSEA)
Outdoor Learning Wales (OLW)
NRW's Outdoor Learning Training Network (OLTN)
Institute for Outdoor Learning IOL (Affiliate member)